Corso in Lab
Corso in Lab
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Corso in laboratorio. Hai passione per la cucina?
Vuoi imparare qualcosa di nuovo o, semplicemente, capire perché quel dannato pan di spagna proprio "non sta su"?
Ti piace fare le cose da sol*?
Preferisci coinvolgere amic*, fidanzat*, collegh*?
Vuoi fare un regalo?
Questo è il corso che fa per te! Una lezione di 3 ore completamente personalizzata in cui Marcello sarà A TUA DISPOSIZIONE.
I corsi si tengono la domenica nel nostro laboratorio di Milano dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 17.30 in data da concordare con i partecipanti al corso stesso, entro e non oltre 4 mesi dalla data di acquisto.
Di seguito il regolamento completo.
L'acquisto del corso vale come presa visione e accettazione del regolamento del corso. REGOLAMENTO E CONDIZIONI GENERALI
Registration method
Registration method
Places for the courses are limited, it is necessary to register by filling out the appropriate form available at the Pasticceria headquarters (P.le Bacone 12, 20129 MILAN) or by finalizing the purchase online and writing by email.
It is necessary to pay the fee in a single payment at the time of registration; a valid paper voucher will be issued as proof of purchase and the related tax receipt or - if requested by the customer - an invoice for professional services will be issued which will be sent later via email or ordinary post (if not a valid email address is available).
Courses can be individual or in pairs. No courses are held in the months of December, June, July and August . If these months fall within the validity period of the voucher, they are not counted.
Registrations via text message, email or Facebook are not permitted.
1. Organization . All courses are organized by Pasticceria & Dessert – Marcello Rapisardi based in Milan, Piazzale Bacone n.12.
2. Registrations : in order to guarantee the quality of the training, the activities have a limited number of places. Registrations must be made at the patisserie headquarters. The applicant will have the right to participate in the activities only and exclusively following receipt by Pasticceria & Dessert of the payment of the relevant fee which must be made in a single payment at the time of registration and purchase of the voucher.
3. Participation and materials . The participant will be responsible for the teaching equipment provided as well as for teaching aids not included in the cost of the course, as well as for the furniture, computers, sanitary and sanitary areas and everything made available by Pasticceria & Dessert. The teaching material, if provided for by the course, will be delivered from time to time at the discretion of the teacher and according to actual needs. Teaching materials and ingredients are included in the cost of the course.
4. Billing . Pasticceria & Dessert will issue a regular tax receipt or invoice for professional services which will be sent via email or ordinary mail if a valid email address is not available.
5. Variation of the program . Pasticceria & Dessert reserves the right to change the course times, the programmes, as well as the teachers or speakers, subject to timely communication to interested parties. Pasticceria & Dessert also reserves the right to postpone or cancel the implementation of the courses; postpone a course or meeting to another date following the sudden unavailability of the teacher. In any case, the responsibility of Pasticceria & Dessert is limited to the reimbursement of the fees already paid only and exclusively in the event that it is not possible to agree another date with the students and to the express exclusion of any liability or any consequent request for compensation. of damage.
6. Vouchers purchased are non-refundable . Up to 24 hours before the start of the course, each participant will have the right to agree on a new date as long as the new date does not exceed the 4 months of validity of the voucher (the date of issue of the voucher itself is valid). After the above deadline, Pasticceria & Dessert will not refund any sum. Alternatively, any substitution of the participant is permitted, which must be communicated to Pasticceria & Dessert via telephone or email. Missed lessons cannot be made up or refunded.
7. The Voucher cannot be converted into a "Shopping Voucher", therefore it cannot be used as a credit for the purchase of material and products on sale at the Pastry & Dessert shop.
8. Obligations of the student and regulations . Admission, participation and continuation of the course are subject to compliance with the rules of education, behavior and hygiene, including but not limited to: it is advisable to show up at least 10 minutes before the start of the lesson. Long hair must be tied back. Closed shoes must be worn and rings, necklaces and watches must not be worn. In the kitchen it is forbidden to run, shout and touch equipment for purposes other than cooking.
9. By purchasing the course, the participant declares their suitability from a health perspective to carry out the activities required by participation in the pastry courses organized by Pasticceria & Dessert, to have received all necessary information regarding the specific risks, the operating methods and evacuation methods. He undertakes to respect all the general rules for correct behavior during the courses towards himself and third parties and regarding the use of equipment made available by Pasticceria & Dessert, exempting the latter from any responsibility for any damage caused to themselves or to other people and things.
10. By registering, the participant releases Pasticceria & Dessert from any responsibility for problems resulting from food allergies or intolerances whether from ingestion or contact. At the end of the execution of the recipes, Pasticceria & Dessert offers free tasting of the products made during the course and the possibility of taking away the products themselves free of charge. The participant has the right to accept or refuse the offer.
11. Pasticceria & Dessert is not responsible for any objects , clothing or personal effects lost or left unattended.
Controversies. In the event of disputes arising from this contract, the Court of Milan will be competent.

More information
The courses are held in our laboratory in Milan on Sunday afternoons from 2.30pm to 5.30pm. The date of the course is agreed together with Marcello. Our courses are amateur, aimed at passionate pastry chefs aged 10 and up.

Marcello is passionate and has 360° cooking expertise. His experience as a pastry chef in starred restaurants and prestigious luxury hotels and pastry workshops led him to build a laboratory that aims to bring haute pastry making within everyone's reach. The retro environment is the backdrop to apparently simple products which, in reality, are in all respects gourmet preparations.
Some general information
Why choose the Rapisardi Pastry Making Course?
We offer you the experience of a personalized pastry making course in direct contact with a professional, Marcello will be all yours for three hours and you can ask him whatever you want.
The advantages of the Rapisardi pastry making course
You will learn recipes and techniques that are absolutely replicable in a home kitchen. We want you to really benefit from the course, to have fun and to be satisfied with having worked with us.
Where is the Rapisardi Pastry Making Course held?
The pastry making course takes place in our laboratory in P.le F. Bacone 12 in Milan.
The program of the Rapisardi Pastry Making Course
You choose the program of the pastry making course and Marcello builds a tailor-made lesson for you.
I didn't book the Rapisardi pastry making course in time, how often do they take place?
You can take a course with us on Sunday afternoon (date to be agreed together) from 2.30pm to 5.30pm excluding the months of December, June, July and August.